Editor: Alloy 4 gives software developer's the ability to distribute stand-alone executables. Alloy is a remarkable product which takes the hassle out of distributing software without separate runtime files. Very easy to use, fully compliant with Visual C++, Delphi, Visual Basic and many other programming languages. With Alloy your software products are much more reliable and Compact for distribution.
As a software developer you often need to distribute files to your end-users, this means rapid deployment without having to distribute a large installation package. Alloy solves this problem of software deployment by embedding all dependent files into a single executable file. No installation of your software is required, all files are automatically extracted before your software runs and guarantees that your software is ready to run on the end-users machine.
Features and Benefits of Alloy
Allows developers to distribute a single executable to their end users with all runtime and require files packed inside.
Works with most programming languages and 32-BIT executable types. Allows any type of file to be embedded within the main executable.
Compression of files embedded into the application to reduce project size considerably.
Keeps your executable's current icon and version information unchanged or modified.
Built-in file dependency scanner to automatically locate required project dependencies.
Easy and intuitive user interface which allows your project to be deployed within minutes.
Save your project to add files and compile updates to your software instantly.
Uses Assembly code which adds under 30 kilobytes to your final executable and handles all file and disk operations.
Software was entirely developed and built in the United States. Technical support also is based in the United States.
Try before you buy licensing with dedicated software updates and quality around the clock technical support.